Snoopy Museum -- Holy Land for bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Peanutsbcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; Fans -- to Open in Roppongi, Tokyo

bcゲーム 仮想通貨

Sony Creative Products

TOKYO, Apr. 22, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Sony Creative Products

(C) Peanuts Worldwide LLC

Snoopy Museum -- Holy Land for bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Peanutsbcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; Fans --

to Open in Roppongi, Tokyo

bcゲーム 仮想通貨, the world's first satellite museum of the California, U.S.-based Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center, opens in the Roppongi district of Tokyo on Saturday, April 23, 2016.

Once every six months until September 2018, bcゲーム 仮想通貨 will hold exhibitions displaying original comic strips and other artworks from the collection of the Charles M. Schulz Museum.

About 150 items, including original comic strips that Mrs. Jean Schulz loves, will be on display at the opening exhibition bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;MY FAVORITE PEANUTS.bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; In addition to exhibitions, bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Brown's Store,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; a museum store that will sell exclusive goods, and bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Cafe Blanket,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; which will serve food and beverages with a West Coast twist, will be main features at the museum.

Just like the Charles M. Schulz Museum, Snoopy Museum Tokyo will show the achievements and personality of Charles Schulz, the creator of bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Peanuts,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; through changing exhibitions and coordinated events. The museum will hold a variety of seasonal events and workshops with new and unique content every six months so visitors can always enjoy coming to the museum even if they are not yet Snoopy fans.

Comment from Mrs. Schulz on the opening of the Museum:

Japan is a special country for us. bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Peanutsbcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; has been loved by Japanese people for more than 40 years. The Snoopy Museum Tokyo that is opening shortly will not only be an important opportunity for Japanese fans but a great gift for us. The satellite of the Charles M. Schulz Museum is the first attempt in the world and can hold various exhibitions for over two years. This is challenging and rewarding work for all the staff at the museum. More than anyone else, I am looking forward to seeing something surprising at the museum that I have never experienced.

Three Features of the bcゲーム 仮想通貨

1)Exhibitions held every six months

Over a period of about two and a half years until September 2018, Snoopy Museum Tokyo will hold exhibitions every six months exploring different themes with changing exhibitions. In the opening exhibition, bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;My Favorite Peanuts,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; 60 original cartoons selected by Mrs. Schulz will be on display.

2)Museum store bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Brown's Storebcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;

More than 500 original items, ranging from stuffed toys, stationary and homegoods to foodstuffs, will be sold at bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Brown's Store.bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;All these items have been produced specially for Snoopy Museum Tokyo and cannot be found elsewhere.

3)bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Cafe Blanketbcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;

bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Snoopy Dish Component,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; comprising of sandwiches, mini corn dogs, potatoes and peanut butter, will be served at bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;Cafe Blanket,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; along with other food and drinks. Pancakes, pizza and bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot;My Sweet Babboo,bcゲーム 仮想通貨uot; a milk shake that appears in works that Mrs. Schulz selected for the exhibition will be served.

Official website:

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(C)Peanuts Worldwide LLC

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(C)Peanuts Worldwide LLC

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(C)Peanuts Worldwide LLC

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(C)Peanuts Worldwide LLC

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