Arts Council Tokyo Announces FY 2016 Lineup of Traditional Culture Programs

TOKYO, June 3, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Arts Council Tokyo

Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture

Arts Council Tokyo Announces FY 2016 Lineup of Traditional Culture Programs

The Arts Council Tokyo under the wing of the Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture will hold a variety of programs, including a large-scale outdoor festival to promote traditional Japanese culture and performing arts, and a series of workshops/shows intended for foreign visitors at tourist attractions in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The council holds a wide variety of innovative new projects and programs for easy access and enjoyment of authentic traditional culture and performing arts. These programs are intended for people who are unfamiliar with traditional culture and performing arts, foreign visitors, and children who are responsible for the future of traditional culture. The following program lineup will be implemented in fiscal 2016 through March 2017.



1. Festivals

We will hold a festival which conveys the appeal of traditional culture to both inside and outside of Japan. The festival will make it easy for many people to experience traditional culture, while also pursuing the uniqueness and diversity of Tokyo. As a new initiative this year, we will hold events such as a festival which is held in the Hachioji area while utilizing the cultural resources of the Tama region.

2. Programs for foreign visitors

At locations such as tourist attractions in the Tokyo metropolitan area, we will hold accessible short programs which allow foreign visitors to experience traditional Japanese culture and performing arts. We will also hold authentic programs which combine hands-on experience with the viewing of performances.

3. Traditional performing arts concerts

In order to broadly convey the appeal of traditional Japanese culture and performing arts, we will hold easy-to-understand performances of authentic traditional performing arts so that the young generation and foreign visitors can become familiar with traditional culture and performing arts.

4. Programs for children

In order to give children the opportunity to come into contact with traditional Japanese culture and performing arts, we will hold hands-on experience programs at schools in Tokyo, and programs which combine several months of instruction at facilities such as Noh theaters in Tokyo with the presentation of program results.


Official website:

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