TOKYO SKYTREE (SM) Releases bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Combo ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; to...


TOKYO, July 8, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --


TOKYO SKYTREE (SM) Releases bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Combo ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; to Observation Decksfor International Visitors

TOKYO SKYTREE, operated by TOBU TOWER SKYTREE CO., LTD., released the bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Combo ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; to the tower's observation decks, bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Tembo Deckbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; and bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Tembo Galleriabcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; exclusively for visitors from overseas on July 1, 2016. The admission fee system has also been simplified under the new ticket, which is easier for inbound tourists to understand.

TOKYO SKYTREE launched the bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; -- the predecessor to the bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Combo ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; -- exclusively for visitors from overseas on February 19, 2015, to allow them to swiftly enter the Tembo Deck without waiting in line at the ticket window to buy admission tickets, thereby improving their convenience.

A ticket to Tembo Galleria was added to the bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; and the four age-based fee levels under the bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; have been reduced to two under the bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Combo ticket.bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot; The new ticket has thus further improved the convenience of inbound tourists visiting TOKYO SKYTREE.

The ratio of individual visitors to TOKYO SKYTREE from abroad has been steadily increasing -- from 6.8% in fiscal 2013 to 12.4% in fiscal 2014 and to 15.4% in fiscal 2015 (*). In response, TOKYO SKYTREE has launched a wide variety of services since its opening in 2012 to better meet their needs.

TOKYO SKYTREE is determined to continue to take measures to increase the convenience of visitors from overseas.

(*) The figures are based on the outcome of surveys on the ratios of international

visitors (excluding those on group tours) and the breakdown of their places of departure (countries and regions), which TOBU TOWER SKYTREE CO., LTD. has conducted since 2013. In the surveys, the company interviewed international visitors who bought admission tickets to TOKYO SKYTREE (excluding those on group tours) - on three occasions totaling six days in fiscal 2013 and 2014 each, and on five occasions totaling 10 days in fiscal 2015.

For further information, visit the following website:


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bcゲーム ラッキースピン添付画像

bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Single ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;(L) bcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;Fast Skytree Combo ticketbcゲーム ラッキースピンuot;(R)

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