- Media Platform Designed Specifically to Distribute Photos and Videos of Japan for Overseas Media -
The Japan National Tourism Organization opened the bcゲーム カジノログインuot;Japan On-line Media Centerbcゲーム カジノログインuot; (https://jomc.jnto.go.jp/) on August 19, 2016.
The Japan On-line Media Center (JOMC) is a media platform designed specifically to distribute information for media. With a database of over 7,000 photos and videos, JOMC offers an exceptional tool for overseas media creating tourism content for Japan.
JOMC material focuses on popular tourism attractions, scenery and landscapes, food, historical experiences, and culture. Media can access a range of frequently updated, high-quality content, available royalty-free following registration.
JNTO encourages overseas media to use JOMC material for introducing Japan on productions of broadcast, print, online and other media types.
How to use Japan On-line Media Center
1. Access the website (https://jomc.jnto.go.jp/)
2. Browse through the content and click on the video or image you wish to download. You will be taken to a new page with details of the content you clicked on.
3. Agree to the terms and conditions and press the bcゲーム カジノログインuot;downloadbcゲーム カジノログインuot; button.
4. A pop-up will appear. Please enter your e-mail address, nickname and password on the login/registration screen and press the bcゲーム カジノログインuot;registerbcゲーム カジノログインuot; button.
5. After completing the registration, press the bcゲーム カジノログインuot;downloadbcゲーム カジノログインuot; button once again to begin the download.
Japan On-line Media Center:https://jomc.jnto.go.jp/