A new service linked with the Another Track smartphone app!!

オンカジ bcゲーム


December 14, 2016

Yunika Corporation

A new service linked with the Another Track smartphone app!!

You can enjoy a fully live experience with

powerful high-quality sound!

The new way of enjoying the street screen begins.

The first series of collaboration programs will be

a "Hatsune Miku special feature" anda "back number special feature"!

Yunika Corp. (headquartered in Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO Motohiko Isozaki ) is proud to announce broadcasts on Yunika Vision, in collaboration with the Another Track app for iOS and Android smartphones with the cooperation of Ponycanyon Enterprise Inc.(headquartered in Minato-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO Keiichi Hosoji ) and Evixar Inc.(headquartered in Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO Atsushi Takigawa ).

By holding a smartphone with the Another Track app downloaded on it up to the Yunika Vision screen during the broadcast, viewers will be able to hear the audio of the program in high-quality. Viewers will be able to set the audio volume of the program as they wish, enabling a new way to enjoy Yunika Vision.

The first series of collaboration broadcasts will be the "Hatsune Miku" special feature from December 15, 2016, and a "back number" special feature from December 22.

Smartphone Application "AnotherTrack"

Another Track is an app that allows you to play a hidden bonus track in high-quality audio.

By letting your smartphone sense the song playing on the Yunika Vision, you will be able to hear the high-quality audio version of the song on your smartphone.

Another Track is an app that provides music lovers with a bonus track.

AnotherTrack Summary

[Price]Free of charge

[enabled device]iOS8.0 or later,Android version 4.2 of later.

[App Store]https://itunes.apple.com/jp/app/another-track/id1021542939?mt=8

[Google Play]https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.evixar.anothertrack

[Official Site]http://www.another-track.com/

Yunika Vision

The three 100 square meter high definition LED screens can display dynamic images and

appeal strongly to viewers. Three-sided screens provide diverse screening methods,broad

choices, provision of real-time information and a variety of contents worthy of

a Shinjuku landmark.

Yunika Vision 1 3-23-7, Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0022


Please access the special Yunika Vision website for details on how to use the app.

"Hatsune Miku Magical Mirai 2016" special feature site


back number special feature site


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