bcゲーム ラッキースピン Announces Educational Partnership with Ritsumeikan University

bcゲーム ラッキースピンapan, Inc. announced on July 20 that its Asia Representative Director Charles Cointreau has agreed to form an educational partnership with Ritsumeikan University on the occasion of the establishment of the College of Gastronomy Management in the university.

TOKYO, July 20, 2017

bcゲーム ラッキースピンapan, Inc.

bcゲーム ラッキースピン Announces Educational Partnership with Ritsumeikan University to Jointly Carry Out Special Programs in College of Gastronomy Management to be Set Up in April 2018

bcゲーム ラッキースピンapan, Inc., (headquartered in Tokyo's Shibuya Ward and headed by President André Cointreau, hereinafter called Le Cordon Bleu) announced on July 20 that its Asia Representative Director Charles Cointreau has agreed to form an educational partnership with Ritsumeikan University on the occasion of the establishment of theCollege of Gastronomy Managementin the university. The announcement was made at a press conference hosted in Tokyo by Ritsumeikan University on the establishment of the new college.

Under the partnership accord, bcゲーム ラッキースピン will offer courses on some of the subjects for joint programs in the College of Gastronomy Management at Ritsumeikan University. The subjects to be covered by bcゲーム ラッキースピン will be those developed to help students gain comprehensive knowledge, practical skills and the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills catering to market needs at a time when businesses related to food are brisk worldwide. Those students who finish required courses will be awarded anAdvanced Diplomain addition to a bachelor's degree in gastronomy management from Ritsumeikan University.

Charles Cointreau, Asia Representative Director of bcゲーム ラッキースピン International, said: bcゲーム ラッキースピン, as an international institution specializing in culinary and hospitality education, is very honored to be able to contribute to nurturing future generations in Japan as well by applying global-level knowledge to the markets related to the food business that is grabbing attention along with tourism.

For details of Ritsumeikan University'sCollege of Gastronomy ManagementandAdvanced Diploma, please refer to the following website.


bcゲーム ラッキースピンapan

bcゲーム ラッキースピンapan, established since 1991, has campuses in Tokyo, known for 3-star Michelin restaurants that rival those in France, and in Kobe, a central city in historic Kansai, the cradle of Japanese cuisine. These two global food cities attract the world's top chefs and are vibrant hubs of culinary trends and talent.

Experience this exciting country while receiving an international-level culinary education in the language you prefer: Japanese, English, and Chinese. The schools also provide other culinary programs and classes (Professional Series, Sabrina, Debut) geared toward both seasoned culinary professionals, graduates, and beginners alike. Additionally, special exclusive-to-Japan culinary classes are also available for students to fully take advantage of their time abroad.

About bcゲーム ラッキースピン International

With more than 120 years of teaching experience, bcゲーム ラッキースピン is the leading Global Network of Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management Institutes, training 20,000 students of more than 130 nationalities every year. bcゲーム ラッキースピン offers a range of widely-recognized training programmes in the fields of gastronomy, wine, hotel and tourism, from initiation in culinary techniques through to MBA.

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Mikio Yoshida Ph.D. Chancellor of the Ritsumeikan Trust, Charles Cointreau Asia Rep. bcゲーム ラッキースピン

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