“Dialogue for bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure: Building Prosperous Future in Indonesia” at...


JAKARTA, Indonesia, and TOKYO, Nov. 14, 2017 /Kyodo JBN/ --

“Dialogue for bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure: Building Prosperous Future in Indonesia” at Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2017

To realize Indonesia's sustainable economic growth, Japan's bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure is vital and essential. The Government of Japan hosted “Dialogue for bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure -- Building Asia’s Future” at Jakarta Convention Center, the venue of Indonesia Infrastructure Week 2017, on Wednesday, November 8, 2017.


While the event was attended by about 100 participants, active discussion was held on the kinds of necessary bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure for Indonesia's strong and sustainable development and how Japan can play an important role.

Mr. Kozo Honsei, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia, stated in his opening remarks on behalf of the Government of Japan: “It is obvious that we need appropriate planning, financing and technology for Indonesia’s infrastructure development as well as economic growth in Indonesia.” He also mentioned that Japan is able to help not only the economic growth, but also enhancing the quality of life in Indonesia.

The representative of the Government of Indonesia, Dr. Ir. Wahyu Utomo, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Acceleration and Regional Development, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, the Republic of Indonesia, expressed that the dialogue is important to share and discuss the role of infrastructure in economic development of Indonesia.

As for the agenda setting, Yasuharu Funabashi, Deputy General Manager for Strategic Project Office, Industry Research Department, Mizuho Bank, made a presentation with insightful data of the current situation on the Indonesian economy and its outlook. Funabashi stressed that Indonesia’s economic driver is on the verge of converting itself from natural resources to infrastructure.

During the dialogue, Indonesian and Japanese panelists also discussed the role of bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure in Indonesia’s strong and sustainable economic growth. The discussion covered preferential infrastructure projects as a driver for economic development, the role of bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure in Indonesia’s sustainable economic growth, and the importance of contribution by the Japanese public and private sectors to realize Indonesia development plan.

Dr. Ir. Wahyu Utomo said that in order to achieve sustainable economic growth, an important factor is building up local human resources, which enable people to appropriately implement infrastructure.

For the Japanese Government side, Ms. Yuko Baba said: “When advanced technologies are newly installed, proper planning based on practical experiences is a key for the success. As well abcゲーム 日本upporting in the whole planning process, Japan will be able to closely cooperate with Indonesia in the field of human resources development. Japan would like to contribute to strong economic growth of Indonesia as a faithful partner.”

From the businesbcゲーム 日本ide, Mr. Tomofumi Fukuda, President Director, PT Marubeni Indonesia, pointed out that the biggest issue of Indonesia’s infrastructure is “land acquisitions.” Building concrete planning in cooperation with the government is the key to solve the problem. Dr. Ir. Wahyu Utomo agreed with it and also said that there was a financial issue as well. He requested Japanese companies to consider Indonesia’bcゲーム 日本ituation and provide various plans with more flexibility.

In concluding the dialogue, Ms. Baba stressed that “It is time for the great Indonesia to take the initiative and develop ‘bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure.’ Japan would like to contribute not only to developing infrastructure itself, but also to realizing quality long-term operations of infrastructure after its completion by human capacity building, where we have strengths and experiences.”


– Opening remarks by the host:

Mr. Kozo Honsei, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia

– Speech by the guest of honor:

Dr. Ir. Wahyu Utomo, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Acceleration and Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

- Agenda: Dialogue for bcゲーム 日本nfrastructure, Building Asia’s Future

- Dialogue: What’s the most important factor for infrastructure development in supporting strong economic growth in Indonesia?

- Topic setting: Mr. Yasuharu FUNAHASHI, Deputy General Manager, Mizuho Bank

- Panelists: Ms. Yuko BABA, Director for Trade Promotion, Trade Promotion Div., METI

Mr. Tomofumi FUKUDA, President Director, PT Marubeni Indonesia

Dr. Ir. Wahyu Utomo, Deputy Minister for Infrastructure Acceleration and Regional Development, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Republic of Indonesia

Mr. Novias Nurendra, General Manager for System Department, PT. Wijaya Karya

Mr. Irwan Sjarkawi, Bakrie&Brothers President Komisaris

Mr. Ali Herman Ibrahim, Bakrie Power; former Managing Director of PT. PLN

- Moderator: Ms. Tomoko OMURA, Journalist, former anchor for NHK and NHK World

- Presentation: Mr. Mikio MATSUMOTO, Chief Representative of Jakarta Representative Office, Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd.

Mr. Masahiko MORINO, Chief Representative, Jakarta Liaison Office, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, ltd.

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