Group of Students from 14 Pacific Island Countries, Australia and New Zealand to Visit Japan ...


KOMAGANE, Japan, Nov. 16, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Japan Overseas Cooperative Association

Group of Students from 14 Pacific Island Countries,

Australia and New Zealand to Visit Japan

under Japan’s Friendship Promotion Program “JENESYS2018”

The Japan Overseas Cooperative Association “JOCA” will be holding a youth exchange program for Oceanian countries called JENESYS2018 in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the University of the South Pacific. The invitation program will take place in Tokyo and other cities throughout Japan for a duration of about 10 days. Participants will learn about strengths, allures and values of Japan through various activities, such as visiting facilities of local industries, disaster prevention, peacebuilding, sports and cultural sites. In addition, the participants will mingle with Japanese citizens through school exchanges and homestays.

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(Logo2:/prwfile/release/M104008/201810269629/bcゲーム 出金rwbcゲーム 出金I2im_7oX9q0U5.png)

JENESYS2018 is aimed at promoting understanding toward Japan regarding politics, economy, society, culture, history and diplomatic policy by inviting bearers of the future who have the capability of external dissemination from Asia and the Pacific region to Japan. At the same time, it is intended to discover pro-Japanese groups and let them disseminate information actively about the fundamentals of Japanese diplomacy and its attractiveness.

*JOCA is in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan in the implementation of JENESYS2018.

For the schedule, please visit:/attach/201810269629-O1-1MaEZm0p.pdf

Relevant organization’s website

The University of the South Pacific:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:ゲーム 出金d/ep/page22e_000703.html

Japan Overseas Cooperative Association:

The Japan Overseas Cooperative Association is coordinating and implementing the Youth Invitation Program from Oceania, on consignment from the University of the South Pacific.

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