NNA JAPAN launches English news on Web

bcゲーム 出金できない


November 1, 2018


Corporate news from Asia with unique perspectives and insights

NNA JAPAN CO., LTD. today announces the launch of NNA Business News, an English news website (https: /www.nna.jp/english_contents/).

With the largest network among Japanese business media, spanning 13 countries and regions in Asia, the new English service provides corporate news on Japanese and local firms as well as other foreign firms operating in the region. NNA offers exclusive reporting on business and macro economy trends from a unique, local perspective.

The economies of Asia have expanded faster than those in other parts of the world. Businesses ranging from multinational corporations to small and medium-size enterprises continue to flock to the region in search of opportunities. This has increased demand for accurate, insightful corporate news in the pursuit of successful outcomes.

The service offers exclusive reporting on business in English, as well as translations of about 300 Japanese reports daily, from a database of over one million articles on our flagship Japanese website "NNA ASIA" (https://www.nna.jp/). Some 70 journalists around the regions contribute to our coverage.

They report on business trends that offer clues to future corporate activities in the regions with timely daily coverage, analysis and exclusive interviews.

“Our wire will supply a wide variety of news content for business people in Asia, as well as through partnerships with other media, both at home and abroad,” said NNA President Akira Iwase.

The site also supplies content from Japan’s English-language news wire “bcゲーム 出金できない+,” delivering the latest stories from Japan and around the world. bcゲーム 出金できない is Japan’s leading news agency and NNA’s parent company.

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  • 名称 株式会社NNA
  • 所在地 東京都
  • 業種 情報サービス・コンテンツ
  • URL https://www.nna.jp/
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