OTSL Strengthens Its 3D Real-Time Sensor Simulator Framework COSMOsim (R) Ecosystem for ...

bcゲーム ランク


NAGOYA, Japan, July 12, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --


OTSL Strengthens Its 3D Real-Time Sensor Simulator Framework COSMOsim (R) Ecosystem for Autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving

- Establishes Partnerships with Three Companies Providing Advanced Autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving Technologies -

OTSL Inc., a short-distance wireless system and embedded system developer and distributor, announced on July 12 that it has established partnerships with three companies providing advanced technologies related to electronic systems and autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving: Germany’s COSEDA Technologies GmbH; U.S.-based VectorZero; and Finland's AILiveSim. These partnerships will enable OTSL to strengthen the ecosystem for its 3D real-time sensor simulator framework COSMOsim (R), which is aimed at autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving. COSMOsim (R) is the only platform in the world that can simultaneously run five types of simulators -- corresponding to millimeter wave radar, LIDAR, cameras, infrared light, and ultrasonic wave sensors -- in real time on a single screen.

As autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving continues to move toward practical use around the world, there is increased demand for powerful simulation technologies that can virtually recreate diverse driving conditions to enable safe and accurate verifications. “Achieving completely autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving requires moving beyond vehicle-mounted sensors and automotive systems such as Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and in-vehicle networks, and creating an environment in which the countless factors involved in automotive societies -- roads, the surrounding environment, human engineering, and more -- can be simulated with a high level of accuracy,” said Shoji Hatano, CEO, OTSL. “By partnering with global companies that offer the most cutting-edge technologies to construct the ecosystem, OTSL is aiming to create an advanced autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving simulation environment as soon as possible.”

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(Image2:/prwfile/release/M104582/201907058407/bcゲーム ランクrwbcゲーム ランクI2fl_r4wR64Bj.png)

Constructing SILS Environment for Autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving Simulations

Partnering with Germany's COSEDA Technologies GmbH enables the development of autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving systems that link COSEDA's electronic system design tool COSIDE (R) with COSMOsim (R). An autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving system simulation environment can be built on COSIDE (R) which uses IEEE Std 1666.1-2016 SystemC AMS language, the global market leader in design tools for Software in the Loop Simulation (SILS) environments, where all simulations are based on software, ranging from semiconductors to vehicle systems. There is no need to prepare automobile hardware such as sensors and ECUs. Everything can be simulated through software, which significantly reducebcゲーム ランクevelopment time and costs. COSEDA Technologies’s system-level simulation technology furthermore enables the verification of sensors and ECUs in the initial stages of design, functional safety factors and compliance with standards in near future, greatly enhancing the efficiency of development.

Compliant with International ASAM OpenDRIVE

COSMOsim (R) is now compliant with ASAM OpenDRIVE, a file format for describing the form of road networks necessary for driving simulations. ASAM OpenDRIVE is managed by the international automation and measuring system standardization group ASAM e.V (the Association for Standardization of Automation and Measuring Systems). Through the partnership with U.S.-based VectorZero, COSMOsim (R) can now read and write ASAM OpenDRIVE files using RoadRunner, VectorZero's road modeling and traffic simulation tool. This enables COSMOsim (R) to recreate more realistic road conditions -- intersections, bridges, and even road signs. Complying with international road network standards means that OTSL can offer a highly accurate simulation environment to companies in the global autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving market.

Expanding Autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving Simulator Business to Maritime Traffic

Finally, by partnering with Finland's AILiveSim, COSMOsim (R) can now link with the next-generation AILiveSim autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving simulation platform, which employbcゲーム ランクeep learning technology. In addition to autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving simulations using automobiles, structures, and the like, AILiveSim has even moved into the field of maritime travel. With this partnership, COSMOsim (R)'bcゲーム ランクiverse sensor simulation techniques can be applied to maritime traffic as well, enabling OTSL to expand the business field of its autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving simulator products. AILiveSim and COSMOsim (R) use the same game engine, Unreal Engine 4, and are therefore highly compatible. This makes it easy to effectively use AILiveSim's main characteristics -- AI and deep learning -- in COSMOsim (R) and achieve a level of performance in autonomoubcゲーム ランクriving simulations not yet seen.

OTSL will have a booth (No. 419), and will be demonstrating COSMOsim (R), at the Automated Vehicles Symposium 2019, to be held at the Orlando World Center Marriott in Orlando, Florida, the U.S., from July 15 to 18, 2019 (EST). OTSL will also give a presentation, titled "Next Generation Automotive Sensor Simulation Framework COSMOsim (R)," from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. on July 16. See the following websites for details.

OTSL Booth


OTSL Presentation


About OTSL

Founded in 2003, OTSL is a technology company that provides high technological capabilities by planning and developing embedded systems, real-time systems, and short-distance wireless communication systems. Its corporate philosophy is "to contribute to the development of human beings by logical thinking and provide highly reliable systems to help customers create products that make people's lives richer." Its business activities include system development, software development, consultation on quality assurance, and provision of educational services. Its aim is to provide a wide range of support to help advanced companies take advantage of the technological benefits of information technology and advance their products and services using their technological advantages.

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