Hokkaido Airports Launches “HOKKAIDO LOVE!” Project Aiming to Revitalize Tourism in Hokkaido

Hokkaido Airports

CHITOSE, Japan, June 22, 2020 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Hokkaido Airports Co., Ltd.

Hokkaido Airports Co., Ltd. (HAP) has launched “HOKKAIDO LOVE!,” a project in cooperation with the Hokkaido Government and the Hokkaido Tourism Organization that aims to support the tourism industry throughout Hokkaido and revitalize tourism demand following the severe impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic.

(Logo:/prwfile/release/M106127/202006181024/bcゲーム カジノ 入金方法rwbcゲーム カジノ 入金方法I1fl_1uG6p8Pl.jpg)

The project, launched on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, looks to the end of the spread of COVID-19 through a range of initiatives to stimulate tourism demand in Hokkaido.

- Using social media to “Share your best memories of Hokkaido”

The HOKKAIDO LOVE! social media campaign brings together photos and videos from users, capturing memories that show why they love Hokkaido. By using the hashtag #hokkaidolove, users can have their posts published on the HOKKAIDO LOVE! website. The campaign is aimed at everyone who loves Hokkaido, including those who have visited in the past and those who have been unable to travel due to the impact of COVID-19.

- Concept video

A video expressing the message behind this project will be published on the HOKKAIDO LOVE! website and on YouTube.

HOKKAIDO LOVE! website:https://hokkaidolove.jp/en/

HOKKAIDO LOVE! YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt8ankOjw4ZXelLURxtNegQ/?guided_help_flow=5

Moving forward, HAP plans to collaborate with other tourism-related businesses throughout Hokkaido for the HOKKAIDO LOVE! project as it implements initiatives to revitalize the island’s tourism sector.

The logo, videos and poster covered by this press release are available for download from the link below for use by all members of the media.

Press resource download page (English version):


Materials available for download:


2. Concept video

3. Concept video screenshots

4. Social media campaign poster

5. Video message from Hokkaido Governor Naomichi Suzuki

About Hokkaido Airports Co., Ltd.

- Representative Director President & CEO: Takeshi Gamo

- Address: 5F Terminal Annex Building, 987-22 Bibi, Chitose City, Hokkaido, Japan

- Official website:https://www.hokkaido-airports.co.jp/en/

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