TIAS, 2 Sport Universities Jointly Hold International Sport Academy Conference Online, under ...

- SFT Sport Academy Formation Support Project -

TSUKUBA, Japan, Dec. 17, 2020 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Tsukuba International Academy for Sport Studies (TIAS)

TIAS, 2 Sport Universities Jointly Hold International Sport Academy Conference Online, under Subtitle “Achievements, Legacy and Continuity 2020”

- SFT Sport Academy Formation Support Project -

Tsukuba International Academy for Sport Studies (TIAS), which has been set up as part of the “Sport for Tomorrow” (SFT) program put forward by the Japanese government, held an online international sport academy conference on December 11 jointly with Nippon Sport Science University in Tokyo and the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya, Kagoshima Prefecture.

At the conference titled, “The 3rd International Sport Academy 3-University Cooperation Conference,” those representing the three institutions and others made presentations on the culmination of efforts they have made over the past seven years toward the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics to be held in 2021.

An audience of 161 people, including members of the sports communities in Japan and overseas as well as students, listened to the presentations during the event.

At the outset of the conference, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said in a video message, “In these difficult times, we need these Olympic values more than ever. The global corona virus crisis has put this important role of sport in societies into a sharp focus.”

TIAS graduates who come from Indonesia, Rwanda, the United States and Norway reported their activities, such as their involvement in efforts to transform society in their respective countries through sports and spread Olympism.

Those representing the three institutions also earnestly talked about their awareness of the need for the development of human resources who can work actively in the international sports world as well as their enthusiasm about continuing the project to further develop what they have achieved.

For details, visit the following website:


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  • 名称 国立大学法人筑波大学つくば国際スポーツアカデミー
  • 所在地 茨城県
  • 業種 大学
  • URL http://tias.tsukuba.ac.jp/
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