JR-West Hotels Receive “Trusted Cleanliness Badge”

Starting Point for High Quality Journey for Guests to Stay with Greater Safety and Security

KYOTO, Japan, Mar. 4, 2021

West Japan Railway Hotel Development Ltd.

All brands of JR-West Hotels (Hotel Granvia, Hotel Vischio by Granvia, Nara Hotel and Potel*), managed by West Japan Railway Hotel Development Ltd. (Kyoto, President Kazunori Minato), have received the coveted Trusted Cleanliness Badge, a certificate issued by Trust You, one of the top-class word-of-mouth platforms in the hotel industry, for accommodations which meet its independent hygiene control standards.

*except for Hotel Vischio Kyoto, which is temporarily closed

“Trusted Cleanliness Badge”

The Trusted Cleanliness Badge is Trust You’s original assessment program based on the guidelines of global health organizations and government authorities. The badge is awarded to hotels which meet the program’s survey criteria.

For details of the Trusted Cleanliness Badge, please visit the following website.


By placing the utmost priority on the safety of guests and employees, JR-West Hotels have set and observed new “Clean & Safety” hygiene standards. JR-West Hotels are striving for uncompromising cleanliness and hygienic environment to become a starting point for high quality journey for guests to enjoy a comfortable and safe stay even under a new lifestyle.

Key points of “Clean & Safety” hygiene standards include:

Asking guests to wear a mask, taking their temperatures and checking their health conditions, requesting guests to wash their hands and sterilize their hands and fingers, implementing regular cleaning and sterilization and ensuring social distancing, etc.

For employees and their family members as well, JR-West Hotels strictly conduct daily temperature taking and health monitoring.

For details of new “Clean & Safety” hygiene standards by JR-West Hotels, please visit the following website.


Comments by Kazunori Minato, president of West Japan Railway Hotel Development Ltd.

JR-West Hotels are taking all possible measures against the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), including new “Clean & Safety” hygiene standards. By obtaining and displaying the “Trusted Cleanliness Badge,” JR-West Hotels promise to fully implement these measures. JR-West Hotels will make continuous efforts for thorough safety and sanitary management and provide guests with additional safety and security, comfortable space and relaxation even amid a new lifestyle.

About Trust You

Trust You offers guest feedback platforms to help businesses listen to customers’ voices, put these voices into feasible data and improve customer satisfaction. Since 2008, Trust You has collected, analyzed and visualized reviews and feedbacks about hotels and other accommodation facilities on over 200 travel websites around the world to support them in making better business decisions. At present, data on more than 700,000 hotels and lodging facilities worldwide are available.

For details of Trust You, please visit the following website.


About JR-West Hotels

JR-West Hotels represent a group of hotels which are located within easy access to major shinkansen stations such as Kyoto, Okayama and Hiroshima, and offer comfort, refined space and quality relaxation.

By developing trust that the group has built up sincerely, JR-West Hotels will further foster trust and work with local communities to enrich the life of every guest and promote the attractions of travel and people-to-people contacts.

For details of JR-West Hotels, please visit the following website.


■Contact: Guest Inquiry

Please contact each hotel on the following main number.

HOTEL GRANVIA KYOTO Phone: +81-(0)75-344-8888

HOTEL GRANVIA OSAKA Phone: +81-(0)6-6344-1235

HOTEL GRANVIA WAKAYAMA Phone: +81-(0)73-425-3333

HOTEL GRANVIA OKAYAMA Phone: +81-(0)86-234-7000

HOTEL GRANVIA HIROSHIMA Phone: +81-(0)82-262-1111

HOTEL VISCHIO OSAKA Phone: +81-(0)6-7711-1111

HOTEL VISCHIO AMAGASAKI Phone: +81-(0)6-6491-0002

Nara Hotel Phone: +81-(0)742-26-3300

Umekoji Potel KYOTO Phone: +81-(0)75-284-1100

Source: West Japan Railway Hotel Development Ltd.

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