Publication of the English Tottori Prefecture Digital Book

Tottori: The Land, The Lives, The Stories

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Tottori Prefecture

Digital Book (-Tottori: The Land, The Lives, The Stories-)

Introducing the attractions of Tottori Prefecture to foreigners in the Tokyo metropolitan area, mainly through photographs.

The Tokyo Headquarters of Tottori Prefecture has published an English Tottori Prefecture Digital Book (-Tottori: The Land, The Lives, The Stories-) for foreigners living in the Tokyo metropolitan area.

The Tokyo Headquarters of Tottori Prefecture has been working to raise awareness and improve the image of Tottori Prefecture by actively disseminating information from Tokyo. In cooperation with TokyoWeekender (published by ENGAWA Co., Ltd.), we have created a new digital book about Tottori Prefecture to disseminate information to foreign residents in Japan and overseas media representatives.

Focusing on photos of Tottori Prefecture, which can be said to be one of Japan's original landscapes, this book presents Tottori Prefecture in a narrative form, focusing on its history, culture, nature, people and stores that allow you to feel the prefecture from a foreigner's perspective. You will be able to fully experience the charms of Tottori Prefecture, such as Mitokusan Sanbutsuji Temple, which is said to be the most dangerous national treasure in Japan, activities at the Tottori Sand Dunes, and local specialties like crab, beef, and fruits from "FOOD CAPITAL TOTTORI".

Due to the pandemic, it is currently difficult for overseas to visit Tottori Prefecture. However, we hope that Tottori Prefecture will be chosen as a candidate place to stay during future visits to Japan, and that it will be an opportunity for overseas media to cover Tottori Prefecture!

・Digital Book download here!

・Tottori tourism guide website

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