Exhibits Open Scholars’ Delight this Autumn

Scholars’ Delight: The Peter Morse Collection and the Narazaki Muneshige Collection

bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum is holding a special exhibition

Scholars’ Delight: The Peter Morse Collection and the Narazaki Muneshige Collection,October 12th – December 5th, 2021

Exhibition Overview

bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum possesses two outstanding collections that were built up by

Peter Morse and Narazaki Muneshige, respectively. Morse was one of the world’s most

distinguished Hokusai researchers as well as an important collector of his works, and Narazaki

was a leading ukiyo-e researcher who collected works by members of the Katsushika School

in addition to a wealth of valuable art-related materials.

This exhibition presents about 140 works carefully selected from the Peter Morse Collection,

which illustrates the customs and fashions of the Edo period, and the Narazaki Muneshige

Collection, which comprises works by painters and artists who were particularly popular and

highly regarded from the Edo period to bcゲーム サッカーhowa era.

Presenting a variety of rare works by Hokusai as well as a number of valuable works by

other renowned artists, this exhibition will focus on the enthusiasm and the achievements of

these two collectors dedicated their lives to collecting and studying those superb


Chapter 1 | The Peter Morse Collection

●From bcゲーム サッカーeries that Peter Morse loved most Mimeguri Shrine and Ushijima Shrine, from bcゲーム サッカーeries Newly Published Perspective Pictures

Katsushika Hokusai, Mimeguri Shrine and Ushijima Shrine, from bcゲーム サッカーeries Newly Published Perspective Pictures, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (2 Term)

●A fine example of the clear blind printing technique called karazuri

The Tamagawa River in Musashi Province, from bcゲーム サッカーeries Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji

Katsushika Hokusai, The Tamagawa River in Musashi Province, from bcゲーム サッカーeries Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (1 Term)

● A work from bcゲーム サッカーeries to which Peter Morse dedicated his book Sarumaru-dayū, from bcゲーム サッカーeries One Hundred Poems Explained by a Nurse

Katsushika Hokusai, Sarumaru-dayū, from bcゲーム サッカーeries One Hundred Poems Explained by a Nurse, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (1 Term)

Chapter 2 | The Narazaki Muneshige Collection

● A work by an artist of the Katsushika School carrying on Hokusai’s techniquesTeisai Hokuba, A Squall

Teisai Hokuba, A Squall, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (1 Term)

● A painting in which Rosetsu was particular about the texture of the dog’s furNagasawa Rosetsu, Western Breed Mother Dog and Puppy

Nagasawa Rosetsu, Western Breed Mother Dog and Puppy, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (2 Term)

● A work by woodblock artist Kawase Hasui, who had a personal relationshipwith Narazaki

Kawase Hasui, Temple in bcゲーム サッカーnow

Kawase Hasui, Temple in bcゲーム サッカーnow, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (1 Term)

◆About the Peter Morse Collection

Peter Morse (1935–1993) was an American researcher and a great collector of Katsushika

Hokusai’s works. He was also a relative of the American zoologist Edward S. Morse (1838–1925), who visited Japanand discovered the Ōmori shell mound in the early Meiji era (Peter was a great-grandson of Edward’s younger brother).

The Peter Morse Collection, consisting of approximately 600 items including paintings and woodblock prints by Hokusai and research materials, was regarded as the largestand most comprehensive private collection of Hokusai’s works in the West. A notable characteristic of this collection is that it includes many rare and precious works collected from aresearcher’s viewpoint. In the first chapter of this exhibition, 95 works from the Peter MorseCollection are presented.

◆About the Narazaki Muneshige Collection

Narazaki Muneshige (1904–2001) was a Japanese art historian who was active in bcゲーム サッカーhowa and Heisei eras.Engaged in the publication of an ukiyo-e print periodical before bcゲーム サッカーecond World War, Narazaki founded the Japan Ukiyo-e Society (bcゲーム サッカーecond and the third formations), the forerunner of the present International Ukiyo-e Society, and served as its chairperson.

The Narazaki Muneshige Collection, which was established in the process of these research activities, includes both precious works of art and artistic or historic materials, which are invaluable for Japanese art history research. About 480 items from the collection are in the possession of bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum.

Exhibition Schedule

■ Period|October 12th (Tue) - December 5th (Sun), 2021

*The works on display will partially change between the two terms.

1 Term|October 12th (Tue) - November 7th (Sun)

2 Term|November 9th (Tue) - December 5th (Sun)

Closed|Every Monday

■ Hours|9:30-17:30 (last admission 17:00)

■ Organizers|Sumida City, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum

In order to prevent bcゲーム サッカーpread of COVID-19 infection,

there is a possibility that bcゲーム サッカーessions, opening hours,

admission fees, events, lectures, etc, may be changed or canceled.

Please check bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum's official website

for details before visiting.


bcゲーム サッカー添付画像

Scholars’ Delight_flyer

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Special Exhibition

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Nagasawa Rosetsu, Western Breed Mother Dog and Puppy, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (2 Term)

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Kawase Hasui, Temple in bcゲーム サッカーnow, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (1 Term)

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Mimeguri Shrine and Ushijima Shrine, from bcゲーム サッカーeries Newly Published Perspective Pictures

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Teisai Hokuba,A Squall, bcゲーム サッカーumida Hokusai Museum collection (1 Term)

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The Tamagawa River in Musashi Province, from bcゲーム サッカーeries Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji

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Katsushika Hokusai, Sarumaru-dayū, from bcゲーム サッカーeries One Hundred Poems Explained by a Nurse

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