2022 Japan Prize Laureates Announced

TOKYO, Jan. 25, 2022 / Kyodo JBN/ --

Japan Prize Foundation

The Japan Prize Foundation announced the winners of the 2022 Japan prize on January 25. Prof. Katalin Kariko (Hungary/USA) and Prof. Drew Weissman (USA) are co-winners of the Japan Prize in the field of “Materials and Production,” and Prof. Christopher Field (USA) has been awarded the Japan Prize in the field of “Biological Production, Ecology/Environment.”

- In the field of Materials and Production

Prof. Katalin Kariko


Prof. Drew Weissman


- In the field of Biological Production, Ecology/Environment

Prof. Christopher Field


With this year’s prize, Kariko and Weissman are being recognized for their pioneering research contributing to the development of mRNA vaccines, and Field is being recognized for his outstanding contributions to the estimation of global biospheric productivity and climate change science using advanced formulas based on observation.

This year, the Foundation asked approximately 15,500 prominent scientists and engineers from around the world to nominate researchers working in this year’s fields, and it received 208 nominations in the field of Materials and Production, and 138 nominations for the field of Biological Production, Ecology/Environment. This year’s winners were selected from that total of 346 candidates.

About the Japan Prize

The establishment of the Japan Prize was motivated by the Japanese government's desire to create an internationally recognized award that would contribute to scientific and technological development around the world. With the support of numerous donations, the Japan Prize Foundation received endorsement from the Cabinet Office in 1983.

The Japan Prize is awarded to scientists and engineers from around the world who have made creative and dramatic achievements that help progress their fields and contribute significantly to realizing peace and prosperity for all humanity. Researchers in all fields of science and technology are eligible for the award, with two fields selected each year in consideration of current trends in scientific and technological development. In principle, one individual in each field is recognized with the award, and receives a certificate, a medal, and a monetary prize. Each Award Ceremony is attended by the current Emperor and Empress, heads of the three branches of government and other related officials, and representatives from various other elements of society.

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Prof. Katalin Karikó

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Prof. Drew Weissman

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Prof. Christopher Field

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