LOY inc. Launches Crowdfunding Campaign for VTuber Group "Production kawaii" via Kickstarter


TOKYO, Apr. 28, 2022 /Kyodo JBN/ --

LOY inc.

- All “kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; Members Willing to Become 3D Idols to Extend Their Field of Activities -

LOY inc., based in Chuo Ward, Tokyo, announced the launch of a "kawaii idol project" on April 28, 2022, to enhance its musical activities. On the same day, the company started a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of hosting a live performance with 3D models of its affiliated VTubers.


Purpose of crowdfunding campaign

Currently, all of the “kawaii-affiliatedオンカジ bcゲームdquo; VTubers, delivering “kawaii'' to the world every day, are in the 2D world. This crowdfunding campaign aims to offer 3D models to all of them so that they can become idols and provide enjoyable experiences to not only the current fans, but also other audiences who havenオンカジ bcゲームsquo;t heard of “kawaii.オンカジ bcゲームdquo;

Moreover, LOY has chosen the method of crowdfunding as it had a strong desire to create the next step for its VTubers with the fans who have supported its production for the past year. The company hopes that fans can support their idol activities as part of “Team kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; as if you were their producers.

Why are 3D models essential for idol project?

Idols of “Production kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; are currently expanding their activities based on online streaming not only to make their fans smile, but also to deliver “kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; to more individuals throughout the world. Therefore, LOY thought it should not stay in the world of the Internet.

In the 2D world that they live in presently, they canオンカジ bcゲームsquo;t dance in front of fans. They are already full of “kawaii-ness,オンカジ bcゲームdquo; so itオンカジ bcゲームsquo;s such a waste to keep it as it is. Therefore, for sure 3D models are necessary for the performances, such as dancing and singing, in order to enjoy time with fans and deliver more of “kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; to the world.

Crowdfunding overview

Project page:http://kck.st/3vHnfDK

Period: 40 days from April 28, 10 a.m. JST (April 27, 6 p.m. PDT)

Target amount: 10,000,000JPY

*All 8 VTubers' 3D models will be produced by character designer Pompucho

( https://twitter.com/paint002).

Examples of rewards limited to crowdfunding only

-Donatorオンカジ bcゲームsquo;s name on the credit line at the end of YouTube video (to be released in February 2023)

-Invitation to 1-on-1 talk session with “kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; VTuber

-Voting privilege to pick a center for the 1st original song as an idol group

-Original merchandise (can badges or pinback buttons, acrylic standees, autographed postcards, etc.)

*Rewards may vary by pledged amount.

What is “Production kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo;?

“Production kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; is a VTuber production launched on April 28, 2021. Currently, a total of 8 VTubers are delivering cute and entertaining content in English.

URL of “Production kawaiiオンカジ bcゲームdquo; VTubers:


Company information

Company name: LOY inc.

CEO: Kyosuke Kinoshita


Business description: VTuber management

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