UNIPLAT Welcoming New Member to Advisory Board: Dr. Maarten de Hoop

bcゲーム 退会

Unify Platform AG

YOKOHAMA, Japan, Aug. 15, 2022 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Unify Platform AG

- With Computational and Applied Mathematics Expert on Board, UNIPLAT Will Continue to Strengthen Its Innovation to Support Researchers and Entrepreneurs Worldwide -

Unify Platform AG has announced that Dr. Maarten de Hoop, the Simons Chair in Computational and Applied Mathematics and Earth Science at Rice University, USA, officially joined the advisory board of UNIPLAT, the world's first (*) online platform specialized for researchers and entrepreneurs focusing on SDGs-related fields, as one of the senior advisors on August 15, 2022.

(*) Based on Google search results.

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Photo: Dr. Maarten de Hoop

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Born in the Netherlands, Dr. de Hoop has worked in the USA since 1995. From 1992 to 1995, he was a Program Leader and Senior Research Scientist at Schlumberger Cambridge Research Center. He joined the Colorado School of Mines in 1995 where he was the Co-Leader of the Center for Wave Phenomena. In 2005, he moved to Purdue University as a Professor of Mathematics and of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, and became the Director of the Center for Computational and Applied Mathematics. He joined Rice University in 2015 and is currently the Simons Chair in Computational and Applied Mathematics and Earth Science.

UNIPLAT is delighted to welcome such a legend as a senior advisor and is excited to gain lots of sense of wonders from his insights and discoveries for the platform's development and innovation from now on.

"UNIPLAT is a transparent platform designed to facilitate researchers and entrepreneurs around the world to get exposure and connect with one another to accelerate research and its potential impact on industry and society," said Dr. Maarten de Hoop, responding to his new role as a senior advisor of UNIPLAT.

"For academic institutions, UNIPLAT provides a unique opportunity to simplify and expand enabling translation of discoveries into technology, startup creation, and commercialization on the one hand and funding research in laboratories with specific longer-term innovation goals on the other hand. The platform allows faculty, postdocs, and graduate students to directly interact with entrepreneurs, through presentations, proposals, and workshops, avoiding administrative overhead.

"I view of my role as senior advisor to generate ideas for developing programs for entrepreneurs supporting academic research, technology transfer, and for early-stage ventures specifically in machine learning, energy, and space science."

"It is a great honor to invite Professor Maarten de Hoop, a world-famous scientist, as an advisor to UNIPLAT. He researches and develops the prediction technologies for atmosphere, volcanoes, and earthquakes on Earth and many planets by edging deep learning. This is about a truly SF world. I am confident that the presence of Professor de Hoop, a prominent international space mathematics scientist, will give UNIPLAT members dreams and hopes," said Takahisa Karita, the co-founder, CFO, and COO of Unify Platform AG, the management company of UNIPLAT.

To read more about Dr. de Hoop's exceptional bio, please visit UNIPLAT advisory board page:https://www.uniplat.social/advisory-board#MaartenDeHoop


UNIPLAT is the world's first (*) online platform specialized for researchers and entrepreneurs from all over the world to share their ideas and research projects, and gain support from individuals or institutions. Developed and managed by Unify Platform AG (https://unify21.com/) which is based in Switzerland, UNIPLAT's mission is to accelerate the success of the SDGs.

(*) Based on Google search results.

UNIPLAT front page:https://www.uniplat.social/

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