English Information on GIAHS-designated Aso Region in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan,
Available Online as E-book Starting February 3
The Kumamoto Prefectural Government announced that it released an e-book named "GIAHS ASO" on February 3, explaining the agricultural systems of the Aso region in the southwestern Japan prefecture. The e-book introduces in an easy-to-understand way how the unique agricultural systems of the Aso region play a large part in maintaining the grasslands of Aso designated as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS).
The grasslands of the Aso region in Kumamoto Prefecture have survived for over 1,000 years thanks to the agricultural traditions of noyaki (controlled burning), grass harvesting, and cattle grazing. Aso has grown together with its grasslands and is blessed with bountiful farmland, rare plants and animals, and a strong agricultural tradition. These characteristics earned Aso global recognition, culminating in its designation as a GIAHS in May 2013.
E-book "GIAHS ASO":https://furusato.pref.kumamoto.jp/kiji003171/index.html
The e-book contains the following:
- Explanations about the mechanisms that bind Aso’s agriculture with its GIAHS-designated grasslands
- Information on the rare flora and fauna supported by Aso’s grasslands and agriculture, and Aso’s culture and beliefs rooted in the local environment
- Photos of Aso’s lush landscapes
Aso’s sustainable agricultural systems have protected its grasslands for centuries, but they are currently in danger of disappearing. The prefecture hopes that, through this e-book, many people can learn about how agriculture works to preserve Aso’s grasslands, and that they take an interest in Aso, come visit, and support the local region, thereby helping to preserve Aso’s grasslands and agriculture into the future.