Fukuoka City Announces bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロック3 Laureates

FUKUOKA, Japan, May 19, 2023/Kyodo JBN/--

Fukuoka City (Secretariat of Fukuoka Prize Committee)

Fukuoka City (Secretariat of Fukuoka Prize Committee) on May 19 announced the laureates for the bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロック3. The Grand Prize has been awarded to Professor Thongchai WINICHAKUL, a Thai historian who made a significant influence globally with his study of nationalism focused on the making and use of maps; the Academic Prize to Professor Khatharya UM, a U.S. political scientist who meets challenges in the modern society by throwing light on the sufferings of immigrants and refugees; and the Arts and Culture Prize to Mr. ZHANG Lu, a Chinese film director who creates works regarded as unparalleled in East Asian cinema that transcends nationality and borders.

Grand Prize: Professor Thongchai WINICHAKUL (Thailand/Historian)https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M100886/202305115565/bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックrwbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックI1fl_v374237u.jpg?_ga=2.138369011.275247967.1683679058-665113690.1585873260

Academic Prize: Professor Khatharya UM (U.S.A./Political Scientist)https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M100886/202305115565/bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックrwbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックI2fl_VHAaY4Fz.jpg?_ga=2.163929468.275247967.1683679058-665113690.1585873260

Arts and Culture Prize: Mr. ZHANG Lu (China/Film director)https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M100886/202305115565/bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックrwbcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロックI3fl_Xror5u8r.jpg?_ga=2.162421119.275247967.1683679058-665113690.1585873260

The Award Ceremony will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Mr. ZHANG Lu is scheduled to give a public lecture on Wednesday, September 13, Prof. Khatharya UM on Thursday, September 14, and Prof. Thongchai WINICHAKUL on Friday, September 15. Each event will be held for an audience in attendance, and archived recordings will be available online at a later date. Bookings for the Award Ceremony will be open from Monday, July 3, and for the public lectures will be from Tuesday, July 18.

*Advance bookings are mandatory.

About the Fukuoka Prize The Fukuoka Prize is awarded by Fukuoka City, for the purpose of its international contribution to Asia, to honor those who have made outstanding achievements in preservation and creation of unique and diverse Asian cultures. The prize was established in 1990 by Fukuoka City, which has played a significant role as Japan's gateway for exchanges with the rest of the Asian region since ancient times. The prize will mark its 33rd anniversary this year. The prize has so far been presented to 121 leaders in their respective fields. Past laureates include Professor Muhammad YUNUS from Bangladesh, who also received the Nobel Peace Prize; and Dr. NAKAMURA Tetsu from Japan, who took the lead in medical services, land reclamation and social welfare for the sick and vulnerable in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Official website:https://fukuoka-prize.org/en/

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bcゲーム 入金ボーナス アンロック添付画像

Grand Prize: Professor Thongchai WINICHAKUL (Thailand/Historian)

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Academic Prize: Professor Khatharya UM (U.S.A./Political Scientist)

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Arts and Culture Prize: Mr. ZHANG Lu (China/Film director)

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