bcゲーム 入金ボーナスokubai's Subsidiary in Indonesia Begins Manufacturing and Marketing Halal-certified...

and Biomass-derived Acrylic Acid, Acrylates, and Superabsorbent Polymers

OSAKA, Japan, May 29, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム 入金ボーナスOKUBAI CO., LTD.

- Contributing to Reducing Environmental Impact of Paints, Diapers, etc. throughout Product Supply Chain -

PT. bcゲーム 入金ボーナスOKUBAI INDONESIA (hereinafter "NSI"), the Indonesian subsidiary of bcゲーム 入金ボーナスOKUBAI CO., LTD., headquartered in Osaka, Japan, has acquired an ISCC PLUS* certification for Acrylic Acid, Acrylates, and Superabsorbent Polymers and begun manufacturing and marketing these products. With this certification, bcゲーム 入金ボーナスokubai Group has established in Belgium, Japan, and Indonesia a global supply system to manufacture and market certified products that use biomass-derived raw materials allocated by the mass balance method.


Acrylic acid and acrylates are widely used as raw materials for paints, adhesives, etc. Superabsorbent polymers are raw materials for disposable diapers. By providing ISCC PLUS-certified products to customers, bcゲーム 入金ボーナスokubai Group will contribute to the reduction of environmental impact throughout the product supply chain as well as to a circular economy.

Products manufactured and marketed under ISCC PLUS certification are also certified by the Indonesian Halal certification authority as they have been before.

Growing global interest in addressing climate change issues has increased demand for biomass products. Halal certification is required in an expanding number of fields and products in regions with large Muslim populations. bcゲーム 入金ボーナスokubai Group will respond to these demands not only in Indonesia and Southeast Asia but also on a global scale by manufacturing and selling Halal-certified and biomass-derived products at NSI. Aiming to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the group will implement the transformation outlined in its long-term vision and mid-term management plan to help increase customer value and realize a sustainable society.

*ISCC PLUS certification is a third-party certification program of the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) system based in Germany to manage and guarantee sustainable raw materials and products such as biomass and recycled materials in the supply chains.

bcゲーム 入金ボーナスokubai Group commits and declares its compliance with the ISCC PLUS requirements in accordance with the latest ISCC regulations.

ISCC PLUS Certified and Halal Certified Products

- Acrylic acid

- Acrylates: Ethyl Acrylate, Butyl Acrylate, 2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate

- Superabsorbent Polymers: AQUALIC (TM) CA

PT. bcゲーム 入金ボーナスOKUBAI INDONESIA Profile

Established: August 1996

Location: Cilegon, Banten Province, Republic of Indonesia (head office and plant)

Representative: Shinichiro Yoshimoto

Description of business: Manufacture and sale of acrylic acid, acrylates, and superabsorbent polymers

Capital: 120 million USD (paid-in capital) 99.9% contributed by bcゲーム 入金ボーナスokubai

Number of employees: 448 (As of the end of March 2024)


Photo: PT. bcゲーム 入金ボーナスOKUBAI INDONESIA

https://cdn.kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M104641/202405241263/bcゲーム 入金ボーナスrwbcゲーム 入金ボーナスI2fl_7MtOjIRc.png

Related releases:/attach/202405241263-O3-yX3R32Mv.pdf

About bcゲーム 入金ボーナスOKUBAI CO., LTD.:/attach/202405241263-O2-L1s5sgVL.pdf

For more information:https://www.shokubai.co.jp/en

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