Nagase Viita Launches SOLBIOTE (TM), New Brand of Injectable-grade Saccharide Excipients ...

for Biopharmaceuticals

Nagase Viita

OKAYAMA, Japan, June 10, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nagase Viita Co., Ltd.

Nagase Viita Co., Ltd., a member of the NAGASE Group headquartered in Okayama Japan, has launched a new product brand, SOLBIOTE (TM), featuring its saccharide-based pharmaceutical excipients of high-purity and low-endotoxin TREHALOSE SG and MALTOSE PH.

SOLBIOTE (TM) portfolio is an excellent protein stabilizer, protecting cells, nucleotides, and exosomes from various damage caused by stressors such as drying, freezing, and thawing. It preserves the quality of antibody therapeutics, vaccines, and other biopharmaceuticals, which are inherently unstable during manufacturing, storage, and distribution, requiring adequate cold-chain management.

Image1: SOLBIOTE (TM) portfolio; TREHALOSE SG and MALTOSE PHゲーム カジノログインrwbcゲーム カジノログインI1fl_MyQw9rBz.jpg

Nagase Viita has a long history of harnessing the power of nature and an expertise in biotechnology, which led it to be the first to successfully mass produce trehalose utilizing starch and enzymes. It is committed to providing a stable supply of safe, high-quality excipients through its integrated manufacturing from saccharide production to refining.

The company will further pursue the development of new saccharide excipients for the SOLBIOTE (TM) portfolio and its advanced pharmaceutical applications, bringing pharmaceutical solutions for universal health.

Image2: Image of SOLBIOTE (TM)ゲーム カジノログインrwbcゲーム カジノログインI2fl_hrz1tewp.jpg

The name SOLBIOTE (TM) comes from "Sol + Bio," developed by the company's Biotechnology and starch, a gift from the sun (Sol meaning the sun in Latin), providing Solutions to Biopharmaceuticals.

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