Freshly Baked Japanese Bread Now Available at Overseas Cafes: "Pan For You Biz" Starts B2B Sales...


KIRYU, Japan, July 12, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

PanforYou, Inc.

Freshly Baked Japanese Bread Now Available at Overseas Cafes: "Pan For You Biz" Starts B2B Sales in Singapore from July 4

To support local bakeries, PanforYou, Inc., headquartered in Kiryu City, Japan, offers "Pan For You Biz" (, a platform connecting businesses with bakeries using unique freezing technology and digital transformation (DX). Starting July 4, it began B2B sales of frozen bread overseas, initially at Singapore cafes, with plans to expand to hotels and other industries.

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Pan For You's unique freezing technology preserves the aroma and texture of freshly baked bread, allowing it to be stored for over a month. This enables restaurants without bread-making facilities to offer delicious bread easily and with less food waste. The move to Singapore leverages the city-state's strong cafe culture and bread consumption habits. Additionally, the availability of frozen delivery services ensures that Pan For You can deliver bread with the same quality as in Japan.

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Comment from Suzuki Cafe in western Singapore introducing frozen bread:

"We decided to introduce Pan For You's frozen bread because it offered a wide variety and high quality, which matched the concept of Suzuki Cafe, themed around Japan. Additionally, because the bread is frozen, it can be prepared quickly even within a short time frame, making it both high-quality and convenient. When we actually tried it, the bread was soft and had a buttery flavor, which we believe pairs well with the coffee we serve at the cafe."

What is Pan For You Biz?

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Pan For You Biz is a platform that connects businesses with bakeries. Since July 2020, it has offered over 400 products and partnered with over 300 companies. Using unique freezing technology and a broad network, it supports the bread business in e-commerce, supermarkets, restaurants, food manufacturers, and events, helping with product selection, inventory, logistics, store deployment, and innovative ideas.

Company Overview

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PanforYou, Inc. is a startup company that addresses various challenges faced by local bakeries in operations and expanding sales channels using its proprietary freezing technology and digital transformation (DX). The company provides a variety of platforms that connect bakeries and consumers through "Frozen × IT" solutions.

- Company Name: PanforYou, Inc.

- URL:

- Headquarters: 5-368-9 Honcho, Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, Japan

- Tokyo Branch: WORKING PARK EN 305, Riviera Minamiaoyama Building A, 3-3-3 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo

- Established: January 17, 2017

- Capital: 100,000,000 JPY

- Representative Director: Kenta Yano

- Corporate Vision: Bringing attractive jobs to local regions

- Business Mission: Contributing to regional economies as a platform for local bakeries and creating a new bread economy

- Business Activities:

-- Planning and operation of regular delivery service "Pansuku" for frozen bread from bakeries nationwide ( )

-- Planning and operation of "Pan For You Biz," a platform for businesses ( )

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  • 名称 株式会社パンフォーユー
  • 所在地 群馬県
  • 業種 食料品
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