KAYAC Launches bcゲーム 攻略uot;Wanderlust Japan,bcゲーム 攻略uot; Migration Platform for Foreigners

- Information Platform Connecting bcゲーム 攻略uot;Travel Like Livingbcゲーム 攻略uot; to bcゲーム 攻略uot;Livingbcゲーム 攻略uot; & bcゲーム 攻略uot;Workingbcゲーム 攻略uot; in Japan -

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KAMAKURA, Japan, July 19, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

KAYAC Inc., headquartered in Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, is a provider of a web service "SMOUT" to promote migration among local communities in Japan, launched "Wanderlust Japan," a similar web-based media platform for foreigners on Thursday, July 4. The new platform will provide information not only on famous tourist spots but also on accommodations that offer a variety of local experiences and exchanges, as well as information for digital nomads looking for places to work and co-working spaces. With "travel like living" as the first step, the new service is aimed at eventually contributing to an increase in the number of migrants, including foreign residents joining Japan’s regional development cooperation volunteers. The company will continue to observe the responses and plans to add more information from other parts of Japan that have endorsed the new platform.


"Wanderlust Japan" website:https://wanderlust.smout.jp/

- The concept of "Wanderlust Japan": "deeply get involved with a region yet to be discovered onto another journey"

The best part of visiting a region is the time spent talking with the locals and getting into their daily life scenes. This media platform will provide information on how to experience the region "as it is."

Uploaded information

- Co-working spaces and guesthouses where users can interact with local people.

- Guides on local areas where users can find deep experience.

- Information on places to work and live that are unique to Japan, etc.


- Information for those who want to experience Japan in depth and are not satisfied with usual tourist attractions.

- If users find a project they like, they can contact the local people concerned directly.

- Information for digital nomads looking for a place to stay and work.

- All information is written by local people living in the area.

- Users can also search for information by looking at the profiles of people in the area where the information is posted.

About SMOUT:/attach/202407123564-O1-3h624i97.pdf

About KAYAC Inc.:https://www.kayac.com/en

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  • 名称 株式会社カヤック
  • 所在地 神奈川県
  • 業種 消費者向けサービス
  • URL https://www.kayac.com/
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