New Name and Logo Unveiled for Alkali-resistant Glass Fiber Product Range by Nippon Electric Glass

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Nippon Electric Glass

OTSU, Japan, Nov. 5, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.

Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd., "NEG," headquartered in Otsu, Japan, announced a new name and logo for its alkali-resistant glass fiber (ARG Fiber) product range. This represents a new stage in the over 40-year history of ARG Fiber, which during this time has contributed to many architectural and civil engineering projects.

Logo:ゲーム 入金不要ボーナスrwbcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスI2fl_lp9uq331.jpg

Image:ゲーム 入金不要ボーナスrwbcゲーム 入金不要ボーナスI1fl_472YDyr2.jpeg

About the new name "WizARG (TM)" and the brand concept

WizARG (TM) is coined from "Wizard" and "ARG Fiber." It conveys the sense of freedom to create magically. NEG will continue to protect the creativity and value of architecture, civil engineering, and a wide variety of other sculptures around the world.

The features of WizARG (TM)

- Experience and achievements

For more than 40 years, WizARG (TM) has been widely used in the construction and civil engineering fields.

- Made in Japan

WizARG (TM) is developed and produced based in Japan. NEG provides a stable supply from its sales locations around the world.

- Extensive product lineup

NEG develops various shapes and proposes products that suit its customers' applications.

- High alkali resistance

WizARG (TM) contains a high percentage of zirconia, which enhances its resistance to alkali in cement composites.

- Suggestions for construction methods

In the spray method, NEG can provide optimal specifications by partnering companies.

NEG has been manufacturing and selling ARG Fiber for over 40 years. With its achievements and experience, as well as the introduction of a new product name and logo, the company aims to provide customers with products that better meet their needs. Furthermore, NEG will actively expand in the global market and provide product quality and reliability to customers worldwide.

The company will continue to strive for sustainable growth while aiming to improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, through the introduction of a new name and logo, it will achieve further expansion and establish itself as a leading company in the global market.

For more information about the concept and features:

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