Nikkei Online Edition: First in Japan to Reach 1 Million Paid Digital Subscribers


TOKYO, Dec. 16, 2024 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nikkei Inc. announced on December 10 that the number of paid subscribers to the Nikkei Online Edition has surpassed 1 million, making it the first (*) domestic paid digital news media to achieve this milestone. The recent rapid growth has been driven by increased subscriptions in the corporate and education sectors. Nikkei continues to expand beyond its role as a must-read news provider into becoming a must-use service for an increasingly wider audience.

(*) According to a report by Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

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The Nikkei Online Edition launched in 2010. Early success was driven by a strong uptake from individual subscribers, but recent years have seen a rapid increase in adoption by corporations and the education sector. Companies are using it as a source of essential information as well as for corporate training, while educational institutions are increasingly turning to it as a resource for inquiry-based learning.

In 2024, paid subscriptions to Nikkei Online grew rapidly, increasing by around 100,000 to reach 1.01 million, a 13% gain over December 2023. Meanwhile, the number of paid subscriptions to Nikkei digital media overall, including services such as the "NIKKEI Prime" series, surpassed 1 million in December 2023 and reached 1.17 million as of December this year (2024).

Nikkei is the third-largest paid digital news media provider in the world:

Including the English-language media "Nikkei Asia" and the Financial Times (FT) which is part of the Nikkei Group, the total number of the Nikkei Group’s digital paid subscriptions is 3.7 million. This makes it the third-largest digital news media in the world, after the New York Times and Dow Jones, which publishes the Wall Street Journal.

About Nikkei

Nikkei Inc. is a world-renowned media brand for Asian news, respected for quality journalism and for being a trusted provider of business news and information. Founded as a market news provider in Japan in 1876, Nikkei has grown into one of the world’s largest media corporations, with 37 foreign editorial bureaus and approximately 1,500 journalists worldwide. Nikkei acquired the UK-based Financial Times in 2015.

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