bcゲーム 出金m to Invest in DTSI, Leading Services Provider to IT-BPO Industry in Philippines

bcゲーム 出金

bcゲーム 出金m

bcゲーム 出金m to Invest in DTSI, Leading Services Provider to IT-BPO Industry in Philippines


bcゲーム 出金mmunications Corporation (bcゲーム 出金m) announced on May 24 that it has reached a basic agreement on a capital tie-up with the Diversified Technology Solutions International (DTSI) Group under which bcゲーム 出金m will acquire a 50.1% stake in Freedom Resources Holdings Corporation, the holding company of the DTSI Group.

DTSI Group has a strong track record in building systems and providing services for IT-BPO operators, accounting for 60% of all seats in contact centers currently operating in the Philippines. Also, Anthem, Inc., a DTSI Group company, is forecasting high growth for its business of building and leasing contact center platforms to companies looking to start up IT-BPO businesses in the Philippines.

Through the tie-up, bcゲーム 出金m expects to strengthen its contact center capabilities in the Philippines by creating operational synergies with DTSI Group, including by leveraging their respective customer bases.

BPO sales revenues in the Philippines increased 24% from the year earlier to US billion 2011, accounting for 5% of the nation's GDP. The contact center industry was particularly vibrant, generating revenues of .4 billion, the highest revenue of any country in the world, surpassing even India. The Philippines is also becoming a center for global shared services in the banking, insurance, energy, engineering, and other industries.

Global companies have been increasingly attracted to the Philippines' abundance of fluent English speakers and incentives offered by the government.

About the DTSI Group

The DTSI Group is a trusted partner of Fortune 1000 firms, delivering innovative communications services, state-of-the-art business facilities, and game-changing technology services that create value for customers. The Group has evolved over 15 years to capitalize on fast-changing communications infrastructure, innovations in facilities design and construction, and emerging technologies that provide new ways to build relationships with suppliers and customers.

Main companies:Diversified Technology Solutions International (DTSI) Group

A leading global systems integrator that designs, builds, deploys and manages end-to-end business communications systems, information technology services and hosted,

managed and premise-based contact center services.


Providing managed information technology and managed facilities and hosted communications services to enterprises, contact centers and BPO companies.

Head office: 39/F, PBCOM Tower, 6795 Ayala Avenue, Makati City 1228, Philippines

Established: 1997 (DTSI Group)

President & CEO:Miguel C. Garcia

Group locations:Philippines (Manila and Cebu) and U.S. (Los Angeles,Phoenix,

Salt Lake City, and Chicago)

Group employees:About 200

Consolidated sales: About 3.9 billion yen (fiscal year ended December 2011)

Further information: www.dtsigroup.com

About bcゲーム 出金mmunications Corporation

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bcゲーム 出金mmunications Corporation,

Diversified Technology Solutions International Group

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