bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications Launches "Compute (VPC Type)" Service

TOKYO, Jan. 29 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications Corporation

bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications Launches "Compute (VPC Type)" Service

- Virtual Private Network Connections and Multiple Network Segments -

-Secure, Low-cost Environments for E-commerce, Intranet Systems -

bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications Corporation(bcゲーム アフィリエイトm), a data, cloud and international communications leader within the NTT (NYSE: NTT) Group, announced on January 29 that it will launch the "Compute (VPC Type)" service, which customers of bcゲーム アフィリエイトm's Cloud (n) public cloud service will use to build virtual server environments connected to VPN and other secure networks at industry-low rates, beginning January 30.

"Compute (VPC Type)" enables a virtual server to be established on a private network connected to a high-quality Internet virtual private network (VPN) or an IP-VPN such as Arcstar Universal One (www.ntt.com/universalone_e). VPNs are virtual secure lines that function like leased lines but share backbone and access lines with multiple users. The virtual service offers instant connections and expansion to various networks. The service rate is fixed, regardless of bandwidth or traffic volume.

"Compute (VPC Type OpenNW)" connects to an internet VPN and "Compute (VPC Type ClosedNW)" connects to Arcstar Universal One. Both can be used to instantly create and use secure web systems or intra-systems as required.

For the time being, the service will be offered from bcゲーム アフィリエイトm data centers in Japan, but applications will be accepted from users overseas. Application is offered online (www.ntt.com/cloudn_e/).

Going forward, Cloud (n) will be enhanced with other seamless, secure services, including from data centers in the US and other locations within APAC, and security options such as antivirus for virtual servers.

About bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications Corporation

bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company's worldwide infrastructure, including leading global tier-1 IP network, Arcstar Universal One (TM) VPN network reaching 160 countries/regions, and over 150 secure data centers. bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications' solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.

Further information:www.ntt.com | Twitter@bcゲーム アフィリエイトm | Facebook@bcゲーム アフィリエイトm | LinkedIn@bcゲーム アフィリエイトm

Source: bcゲーム アフィリエイトmmunications Corporation

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