bcゲーム カジノmmunications 100 Gbps Ethernet Interconnection Transmits World's First 8K Video

bcゲーム カジノ

bcゲーム カジノm

TOKYO, Feb. 12 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム カジノmmunications Corporation

bcゲーム カジノmmunications 100 Gbps Ethernet Interconnection Transmits World's First 8K Video in Uncompressed Format

- Arcstar Universal One Service Demoed during Sapporo Winter Festival -

bcゲーム カジノmmunications Corporation (bcゲーム カジノm), a data, cloud and international communications leader within the NTT (NYSE: NTT) Group, announced on February 12 that its Arcstar Universal One 100Gbps Ethernet interconnection service successfully achieved the world's first practical long-distance transmission of 8K ultra-high-definition uncompressed video on February 5. The 100Gbps service provided the backbone network for a high-capacity connection between Tokyo and Osaka, a distance of about 600 km, in a demonstration transmission of scenes from the Sapporo Winter Festival in northern Japan.

The demonstration, which was organized by the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), utilized an 8K uncompressed dual green format with a 60P frame rate and 12-bit video (24Gbps). A 4K ultra-high-definition uncompressed video transmission was achieved simultaneously. Degradation and delay were significantly reduced compared to a conventional 10Gbps Ethernet leased line, which requires data compression or data partitioning due to the use of multiple lines.

Arcstar Universal One offers an ultra-high capacity, wide-area network service with fully guaranteed 100Gbps data transmission. The service, available in all prefectures of Japan, uses three redundant routes along the Pacific coast, central Japan and the Sea of Japan coast. It is expected to be used for major events requiring the real-time transmission of ultra-high-definition video, such as broadcasts of Olympic Games, and in fields and industries that need ultra-high-capacity networks, such as broadcasting, content provision and academic research.

Going forward, bcゲーム カジノm expects to steadily upgrade its global leased lines to 100Gbps in response to needs for faster corporate networks and more data capacity. In addition to compatible new services, the company plans to increase 100Gbps redundancy to ensure interruption-free switchovers that rule out communication failures of even a few seconds in the event of a disaster or malfunction.

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