bcゲーム 安全mmunications Expands Global IP Network to Indonesia

bcゲーム 安全

bcゲーム 安全m

TOKYO, Oct. 1 /Kyodo JBN/ --

bcゲーム 安全mmunications Corporation

bcゲーム 安全mmunications Expands Global IP Network to Indonesia

bcゲーム 安全mmunications Corporation(bcゲーム 安全m) announced on October 1 that it has expanded its global IP network footprint with two new points-of-presence (PoPs) in Jakarta, Indonesia, one of the fastest-growing markets for Internet-related business. bcゲーム 安全m will provide IPv4/IPv6 dual stack access via its expansive Tier-1 IP network not only to domestic providers of Internet services (ISPs) and content (ICPs), but also foreign companies providing Internet-related services to the Indonesian market.

bcゲーム 安全m aims to leverage its presence in Indonesia to help improve the country's current Internet environment, where the population of over 240 million is driving compound annual growth in international IP traffic in excess of 80%. The company will offer customers enhanced, cost-effective experiences, including stable, low-latency access to its global network and global content, as well as a wide range of ICT solutions covering data centers, data network services and cloud services.

bcゲーム 安全m's global Tier-1 IP network, which has helped to pioneer commercial IPv6 technology, isthe world's second-largest network among global Tier-1 network providers and is the number-one network in Asia*, including the largest transpacific capacity. Direct connection to this backbone will ensure availability to highly reliable global infrastructure that Internet service providers in Indonesia need to deliver high-performance, low-latency and cost-effective global access to their customers.

bcゲーム 安全m looks forward to continuing to strengthen Internet access and ICT environments throughout Asia with its Tier-1 global IP network.

*Internet wholesale rankings published by Renesys Corporation, September 2013.

About bcゲーム 安全mmunications Corporation

bcゲーム 安全mmunications provides consultancy, architecture, security and cloud services to optimize the information and communications technology (ICT) environments of enterprises. These offerings are backed by the company's worldwide infrastructure, including leading global tier-1 IP Network, Arcstar Universal One (TM) VPN network reaching 160 countries/regions, and over 140 secure data centers. bcゲーム 安全mmunications' solutions leverage the global resources of NTT Group companies including Dimension Data, NTT DOCOMO and NTT DATA.

Further information:www.ntt.com | Twitter@bcゲーム 安全mmunications|Facebook@bcゲーム 安全mmunications |LinkedIn@NTT

Source: bcゲーム 安全mmunications Corporation

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