NTT Advanced Technology to Release in August H.265/HEVC Decoder for bcゲーム カジノログイン TV Broadcasting and Video


TOKYO, June 10 /Kyodo JBN/ --

NTT Advanced Technology Corp.

NTT Advanced Technology to Release in August H.265/HEVC Decoder for bcゲーム カジノログイン TV Broadcasting and Video Delivery

NTT Advanced Technology Corp. (NTT-AT hereafter) announced on June 10 that it will launch in August 2014 the "H.265/HEVC Decoder Appliance" (tentative name) ready for the bcゲーム カジノログイン "Range Extensions" Profile (4:2:2 sampling and 10-bit video) (Note *1). Fitted with a DVB-ASI input terminal and four 3G-SDI output terminals, necessary for digital broadcasting systems such as a reception monitor for retransmitting bcゲーム カジノログイン broadcast waves, the product will meet rising demand from broadcasting stations and various service providers in the wake of the start of experimental bcゲーム カジノログイン broadcasting.

In the U.S., cable TV operators and video delivery service providers have openly stated their intention to further expand their bcゲーム カジノログイン video offerings, cashing in on the recent increase in the sales of TV sets ready for bcゲーム カジノログイン or Ultra High Definition (UHD) broadcasting. In Japan, where experimental bcゲーム カジノログイン broadcasting has started, there are expectations of surging demand for decoder appliances for broadcast video monitoring. Moreover, as broadcasting stations are opting for the 4:2:2 color format (Note *2) with a high degree of color reproducibility for their broadcasting content, new decoders need to beready for the H.265/HEVC "Range Extensions" Profile (4:2:2, 10bit).

NTT-AT has developed video coding products, compatible with a wide variety of formats, for global markets , successfully building a large installed customer base for its high-efficiency video coding products. As bcゲーム カジノログイン broadcasting and video delivery services continue to expand, the company is developing to offer the "H.265/HEVC Decoder Appliance" ready for bcゲーム カジノログイン Range Extensions Profile (4:2:2, 10bit), contributing further to the development of the broadcasting and video delivery service markets.*

Features and basic specifications

Video formats supported for playbackH.265/HEVC Range Extensions Profile

(Main 4:2:2 10bit)

Color format:4:2:2, bit depth: 10bit

External dimensions:19-inch rack for mounting 4 units (planned)

Input terminal:- DVB-ASI x 1

- USB for file playback: Type-A x 3 ports,

USB 2.0 x 3 ports

Output terminal:- SD/HD/3G-SDI x 4 (bcゲーム カジノログイン)

- HDMI 2.0 x 1 (planned)

- Targeted markets

-- Broadcasting stations and video delivery service providers that require monitoring decoders for confirming the reception of bcゲーム カジノログイン broadcasting and redistribution.

-- Event operators requiring decoders for confirming the transmission of bcゲーム カジノログイン live videos.

- Price: Open pricing

* The company names, product names and service names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.


*1 Range Extensions Profile: A high definition video coding format. The bcゲーム カジノログイン profile is scheduled to be implemented as a coding standard in June 2014.

*2 Color format 4:2:2: A type of signal format with twice as much color-difference information as format 4:2:0.

Source: NTT Advanced Technology Corp.

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  • 名称 NTTアドバンステクノロジ株式会社
  • 所在地 神奈川県
  • 業種 その他bcゲーム カジノログイン・通信業
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