NTT Advanced Technology to Market New Version of WinActor(R) RPA Tool Overseas


KAWASAKI, Japan, Sept. 30, 2020 /Kyodo JBN/ --

NTT Advanced Technology Corporation

-With Functions Added to Enhance Scenario Creation Productivity, New Version Supports “New Work Styles” in COVID-19 Era-

NTT Advanced Technology Corporation will launch the latest version(Ver.7) of its robotic process automation(RPA) tool, “WinActor(R),” overseas on October 1, 2020, satisfying users from beginners to advanced programmers in accordance with its nature of being "people-centered."

As the infection of COVID-19 spreads, many companies are searching for a "new work styles," and RPA is drawing attention as one of the promising means of realizing it. The RPA tool WinActor(R) provided by the company headquartered in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, has received the best reputation in Japan and has been introduced to more than 5,300 companies.

WinActor(R) Ver.7 will help customers to pursue digital transformation, adopting a new work style appropriate for the COVID-19 era, and enhancing their business efficiency. The main functions of Ver.7 are as follows.

1. People-centered functions

-By taking advantage of the increased processing speed, the user interface has been revamped, making it more refined and easy to use.

-A tutorial is provided to enable users to learn all key processes, from the basics for scenario creation to practical and application-oriented operations.

2. Functions effective for enterprise use

-Users can edit multiple scenarios simultaneously on the same screen, enabling them to copy and paste parts of a scenario from one to another while viewing several scenarios.

-WinActor(R) Scenario Script, a scenario editor for advanced programmers, enables them to develop a scenario using a programming language with which they are sure to be familiar.

3. Support for scenario creation

-OCR-based image matching will make it easier to record and execute operations related to character strings on the screen.

-The table scraping function extracts table information from a Web page. If a table spans a number of pages, WinActor(R) accesses them one by one and outputs the obtained table information in a single CSV file.

4. Dual-language capability

-Users can switch languages to suit particular execution environments. In addition, scenarios developed in Japanese can be used in English without modification and vice versa.

Official website:

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