NGK Receives NAS Battery Order for Demonstration Project in Dubai

bcゲーム 入金 銀行


NAGOYA, Japan, June 22, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --


NGK Receives NAS Battery Order for Demonstration Project in Dubai

NGK INSULATORS, LTD. announced on June 22 that NGK received an order for a NAS (R) battery for use in an energy storage technology demonstration project to be conducted in Dubai.

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The 1.2 MW/7.2MWh NAS battery was ordered last August, installed in March, and will enter full service soon this summer. It was the first installation of a large-scale energy storage system in Dubai.

Dubai has accelerated its investment in renewable energy to eliminate its dependence on fossil fuels. Dubai is building the world's largest solar park, the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, in the south of the Emirate. The Emirate is targeting introduction of 5,000 MW of photovoltaics (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) by 2030, which will raise the ratio of renewable energy to 25% of total generation capacity.

In anticipation of the large-scale introduction of renewable energy in the future, the NAS battery system was installed alongside a 13MW PV plant in the solar park. The NAS battery will be used to stabilize fluctuations in solar power output, plus other grid applications including energy time-shifting and frequency control. The large capacity of the NAS battery makes it ideal for this set of applications.

NGK's NAS battery system is the only battery system that has proven operational success in the Middle East. The NAS battery is a high-temperature battery and thus uniquely suited for operation in locations with extreme ambient temperatures, such as the heat of the Middle East. The rapid increase of solar power in Middle Eastern countries is driving the need for large-scale battery storage projects.

Overview of the NAS Battery Ordered

Power output: 1.2 MW

Storage capacity: 7.2 MWh

Installation site: Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park (Emirate of Dubai)

Commencement of operation: Planned for summer 2018

About NAS (R) Battery Systems

NGK was the first in the world to commercialize the NAS battery system, which has the capacity to store hours of electricity. The NAS battery system boasts an array of superior features, including large capacity, high energy density and long life. It is capable of maintaining high output of electric power for long periods of time, allowing daytime solar energy to time-shift to nighttime usage. Since 2002, NGK has delivered NAS battery systems to about 200 locations worldwide with total output of more than 530,000 kW and storage capacity of 3.7 million kWh. The systems are being used for stabilizing and smoothing power output from renewable energy sources, for eliminating congestion on transmission lines by scheduling energy transfer, for load leveling, for frequency response and for emergency backup power.

To learn more about the NAS battery system, visit:

About NGK

NGK is the world’s largest manufacturer of electrical insulators, including 1,000-kV ultrahigh-voltage (UHV) transmission and substation insulators, and has a 100-year history. With foundations in exclusive ceramics technology, NGK contributes to environmental conservation, providing a wide range of products and technology in the “Triple E” growth fields of energy, ecology and electronics. NGK is also one of the largest manufacturers of HONEYCERAM and diesel particulate filters (DPFs) for catalyst converters for automobiles. NGK is also the world’s leading manufacturer succeeding in commercialization of large-capacity energy storage systems (NAS batteries), which has overturned the conventional wisdom that power cannot be stored.

To learn more about NGK, visit:

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