NGK’s Chip-type Ceramic Secondary Batteries, “EnerCera Pouch” & “EnerCera Coin,” Win,,,

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NAGOYA, Japan, Dec. 14, 2018 /Kyodo JBN/ --


NGK’s Chip-type Ceramic Secondary Batteries, “EnerCera Pouch” & “EnerCera Coin,” Win CES 2019 Innovation Awards in Smart Energy

NGK INSULATORS, LTD. (hereinafter "NGK") based in Nagoya, Japan, announced that it has been named a CES (R) 2019 Innovation Awards honoree for chip-type ceramic secondary batteries, both “EnerCera (R) Pouch” and “EnerCera (R) Coin.” NGK will exhibit them at CES 2019, the world’s largest consumer electronics show to be held in Las Vegas, USA, from January 8 to 11, 2019. It is the first time for NGK to exhibit at CES.


CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is the world’s largest trade show in consumer electronics held in Las Vegas every January. The “CES Innovation Awards” is an international award program in 28 product categories judged by product quality, beauty of design, value to customers, uniqueness and novelty of product specs, and innovation compared to products in the market.

NGK will introduce the “EnerCera” series at CES for the first time. The EnerCera series is a Li-ion secondary battery realizing high energy density with a small and thin body by using NGK’s original Crystal Oriented Ceramic Plate as electrodes. One of the features is high heat resistance that enables the battery to be mounted on devices by high-temperature processes. The EnerCera series has two types: EnerCera Pouch, the world’s first Li-ion secondary battery (*1) which can be embedded in IC cards by hot lamination, and EnerCera Coin, the world’s first Li-ion secondary battery (*1) which can be mounted on circuit boards by reflow soldering.

Both EnerCera Pouch and EnerCera Coin won the CES Innovation Awards within the “Smart Energy” category that is for consumer electronics’ power sources, charging devices and so on, because they were highly evaluated for their capability of high-temperature installation essential for device manufacturing and the innovation brought to the spread of IoT devices. As a result, the EnerCera series won double awards.

The mass production of the EnerCera series is scheduled to start in April 2019 sequentially, to be adopted for applications which require high capacity in a small and thin body, such as IoT devices, smart cards, RFID tags, electronic shelf labels (ESLs) and wearable devices.

(*1) As of “announcement date, 2018,” based on NGK’s research

Event details

Date: January 8 - January 11, 2019

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Booth: Sands Expo, Level 2, Halls A-D, Booth# 41374

Products: EnerCera series, ZNB/Zinc rechargeable battery



About NGK

NGK is the world’s largest manufacturer of electrical insulators, including 1,000-kV ultrahigh-voltage (UHV) transmission and substation insulators, and has a 100-year history. With foundations in exclusive ceramics technology, NGK contributes to environmental conservation, providing a wide range of products and technology in the “Triple E” growth fields of energy, ecology and electronics. NGK is also one of the largest manufacturers of HONEYCERAM and diesel particulate filters (DPFs) for catalyst converters for automobiles. NGK is also the world’s leading manufacturer succeeding in commercialization of large-capacity energy storage systems (NAS batteries), which has overturned the conventional wisdom that power cannot be stored. Its President is Taku Oshima.

To learn more about NGK, visit:

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