Karuizawa New Art Museum to Host Large-scale Exhibition "Diversity for Peace!" in Venice, Italy,...

bcゲーム リチャージ

Karuizawa New Art Museum

VENICE, Italy and TOKYO, Apr 24, 2019 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Karuizawa New Art Museum Venice Branch (KaNAM)

Karuizawa New Art Museum to Host Large-scale Exhibition "Diversity for Peace!" in Venice, Italy, to Commemorate Launch of Japan’s New Imperial Era "Reiwa"

The Karuizawa New Art Museum has announced that it will hold a large-scale overseas exhibition in Venice, Italy, from May to November to commemorate Japan’s new imperial era name (*1). The exhibition (*2) will be held at the Procuratie Vecchie building in Piazza San Marco in the Italian city during the 58th International Art Biennale.

Titled "Diversity for Peace!" the exhibition will feature 10 young prominent artists (*3) from all over the world showcasing their unique styles and diverse artistic approaches in a celebration of creative freedom.

The concept of "Diversity for Peace!" is synchronized with the meaning of the Japanese new era name "REIWA," which is “Peace and culture are born when people recognize diversity.” The "Diversity for Peace!" message contains the hope that contemporary art will bring people together beyond differences in countries, customs, cultures and gender.

The exhibition will showcase many new commissioned pieces from internationally renowned artists selected from countries across the globe, each bringing his/her own unique personal experience and cultural background, contributing to the central theme of "Diversity for Peace!"

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(*1) Japanese new imperial era

The REIWA period will be the next imperial era of Japan. The period will start on May 1, 2019, the day when Emperor Akihito's elder son, Crown Prince Naruhito, is scheduled to ascend to the throne as the 126th Emperor of Japan.

(*2) Exhibition date and place

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Date: May 8 (Wed.) - November 24 (Sun.), 2019

Opening reception: May 7 (Tues.), 2019, starting at 13:00

Place: Ground & first floors of Procuratie Vecchie 139, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy

(*3) 10 participating artists:

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Florentijn Hofman (Netherlands)

Ronald Ventura (Philippines)

Huang Yuxing (China)

Miwa Komatsu (Japan)

Yang Yongliang (China)

Chris Succo (Germany)

Fabio Modica (Italy)

Aesa Bjork (Iceland/Norway)

Ahhi Choi (Korea/Japan)

Ryotaro Muramatsu NAKED (Japan)

Official website:https://diversity-for-peace.com/

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  • 所在地 長野県
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