Ten young prominent artists (*1) from around the world, who are featured in the exhibition titled “Diversity for Peace!”, attended a reception party hosted by the Karuizawa New Art Museum on May 7 in Venice, Italy.
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The museum has organized the large-scale overseas exhibition (*2) at the Procuratie Vecchie building in Piazza San Marco, Venice, during the 58th International Art Biennale.
The reception was flooded with a lot of media representatives, giving the exhibition high-profile attention. A famous Italian singer, Jo Squillo, from TV MODA closely covered contemporary Japanese artist Miwa Komatsu and interviewed Mr. Koei Shiraishi (President of Karuizawa New Art Museum).
VOGUE ITALIA, one of the world's most influential fashion magazines, also interviewed Ms. Komatsu, a Maison Christian Dior Ambassador, about the relationship between art and fashion. She dedicated her work “SAKURA = Cherry blossoms” to Maison Christian Dior's perfume as a symbol of world peace.
- About the exhibition
“Diversity for Peace!” -- this message contains the hope that contemporary art will bring people together beyond differences between countries, customs, cultures and gender.
(*1) Participating 10 Artists:
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Florentijn Hofman (Netherlands)
Ronald Ventura (Philippines)
Huang Yuxing (China)
Miwa Komatsu (Japan)
Yang Yongliang (China)
Chris Succo (Germany)
Fabio Modica (Italy)
Aesa Bjork (Iceland/Norway)
Ryotaro Muramatsu NAKED (Japan)
Ahhi Choi (Korea/Japan)
(*2) Exhibition date and place
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Date: May 8 (Wed.) - November 24 (Sun.), 2019
Venue: Ground & first floors of Procuratie Vecchie 139, Piazza San Marco, Venice, Italy
Official website:https://diversity-for-peace.com/