bcゲーム コードdent CM Award Winners Announced


OSAKA, Japan, Feb. 5, 2016 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Mandom Corporation

bcゲーム コードdent CM Award Winners Announced

- Hong Kong Students Win Grand-Prix & Runner-up Award -

Mandom Corp., of Osaka City, held a ceremony on January 30, 2016, at Quest Hall in Harajuku, Tokyo, to determine, announce and award the winners of the grand prix and runner-up award of the 10th bcゲーム コードuot;GATSBY Student CM Awardsbcゲーム コードuot; featuring the GATSBY men's grooming brand and products.

Outline of thebcゲーム コードuot;10th GATSBY Student CM Awardsbcゲーム コードuot;

Mandom invited students of 11 countries and regions, including Canada, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Taiwan, Thailand, the U.K. and the U.S., to apply for the company's film commercial production contest focusing on GATSBY products. A total of 1,559 works were submitted during the application period ended on November 2, 2015.

Since then, 26 works were selected through the first elimination process by experts and popular voting taken on the web. The representatives of the finally nominated 26 works, who were in Tokyo on January 30 for the final round, presented their works in front of the jury. The grand prix and other awards were given then.

For more information on the prize-winning works, including the movies, please visit the GATSBY website (http://award.gatsby.jp/hk/). The website has links to multi-language websites covering all participating countries and regions.

Grand prix: The Greatest GATSBY Award

Extra prizes:

- Exhibition at Cannes Festival of Creativity (Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity)

- 300,000 yen prize money

- EDIUS video software (courtesy of Grass Valley K.K.), others

- Exposure on terrestrial TV broadcasting in Hong Kong and Japan as part of Mandom commercials (dates undetermined)

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;Alien Sneeze by Gatsbybcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: bupartner (Hong Kong)

School: Hong Kong Baptist University

Jury's comment: We appreciated the ingenuity of the work's idea very highly. Technically, the work is yet to be sophisticated and has some room for improvement. However, the idea that a product comes out of an alien's nose upon sneezing is a bold one, just fitting for a student's work, and funny.

Runner-up Award: The GATSBY Award

Extra prizes:

- 150,000 yen price money

- EDIUS software, others

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;We Do GATSBY Jambcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: TAD (Hong Kong)

School: THEI HK

Jury's comment: Everything about this work is very well calculated, including dancing on an original tune that is intentionally loose. The work is a good one leaving the impression that the author knew very well what it takes to be loved.

Guest Judges Award (Shota Matsuda Award) Extra prizes:

- 150,000 yen prize money

- EDIUS, a prize chosen by Mr. Shota Matsuda, others

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;I Will Follow Youbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Lower-class Men who can't Graduate (Taiwan)

School: National Chengchi University

Standard CM Category Award

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;GATSBY the Life Saverbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Jellyfish (Thailand)

School: Bangkok University

No-Editing CM Category Award

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;Slippery Fingers on the Keyboardbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Priyayi (Indonesia)

School: Sebelas Maret University

Young GATSBY Award (for senior high school students)

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;SO COOLbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Girls (Taiwan)

School: Dao Jiang Senior High School of Nursing and Home Economics

Visual Award

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;Painfully Feeling Goodbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Hoda Seminar (Japan)

School: Showa Women's University

Character Awards

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;styling with my HANDSbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: MNYK (Japan)

School: Chiba University

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;Just can't resist itbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Smelly Black Socks (Taiwan)

School: Chinese Culture University

Mandom Award

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;One Gatsby Five of Agesbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Filmed in My Room (Japan)

School: Aoyama Gakuin University

Audience Award

Commercial: bcゲーム コードuot;GATSBY the Life Saverbcゲーム コードuot;

Authors: Jellyfish (Thailand)

School: Bangkok University

Source: Mandom Corporation

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bcゲーム コード添付画像

The Greatest GATSBY Award

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The GATSBY Award

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The Greatest GATSBY Award

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