7 Entry Categories to Be Offered in 12th bcゲーム ラッキースピンREATIVE AWARDS


Aug. 14, 2017

Mandom Corporation

7 Entry Categories to Be Offered in 12th bcゲーム ラッキースピンREATIVE AWARDS, Asia’s Biggest Creative Festival for Students

- Special Creative Festival for Students, Held across 11 Asian Countries & Regions -

Mandom Corporation based in Osaka, Japan, announced on August 14 the holding of the 12th GATSBY CREATIVE AWARDS in 11 countriebcゲーム ラッキースピンnd regionbcゲーム ラッキースピンcrosbcゲーム ラッキースピンsia. GATSBY is the men's grooming brand from Mandom Corporation.


Abcゲーム ラッキースピン company that supports creative activities of students, Mandom Corporation is hosting this creative contest for studentbcゲーム ラッキースピンcrosbcゲーム ラッキースピンsia as one of the largest such award competitions in the region. Any student in the eligible area can enter easily for a chance to win an award using Instagram or the web. The Final Prize winner representing each country will be invited to the 12th GATSBY CREATIVE AWARDS FINAL to be held on Saturday, March 10, 2018, in the Hikarie Hall A, Shibuya Hikarie Building 9F in Tokyo’s Shibuya district. As the culmination of the students’ creative festival, one whole day of events packed with excitement will roll out when students from acrosbcゲーム ラッキースピンsia are offered the chance of freely expressing ideas that only students can generate, showcased through the displaybcゲーム ラッキースピンnd performances of their works.

12th bcゲーム ラッキースピンREATIVE AWARDS official website:http://award.gatsby.jp/12/ms/

12th bcゲーム ラッキースピンREATIVE AWARDS: General Information

GATSBY CREATIVE AWARDS is one of Asia’s biggest contestbcゲーム ラッキースピンnd offerbcゲーム ラッキースピン publicity opportunity for a wide range of creative content produced by students. Not only students who want to be content creatorbcゲーム ラッキースピンnd performers but also newcomers to this kind of creative activity who are interested in creating or expressing themselves can enter the AWARDS quite easily if they are inspired by an original idea.

12th bcゲーム ラッキースピンREATIVE AWARDS - 3 Major Themes:

1. Just be Cool

2. Just be Fun

3. Just be Yourself

Entry Categories:


Create a 15- or 30-second video/commercial for the Student COMMERCIAL category for GATSBY product(s).

Country/region eligible for entry: Cambodia, mainland China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand

Entry accepted: September 1 to October 31, 2017

2. Student ART

For the Student ART category, create either a mascot character or an advertisement poster for GATSBY product(s).

Country/region eligible for entry: Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia

Entry accepted: September 1 to October 31, 2017

3. Student DANCE

For the Student DANCE category, record a video of a solo dance performance that is 60 seconds or shorter and upload the video onto Instagram.

Country/region eligible for entry: Cambodia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia

Entry accepted: December 1, 2017, to January 5, 2018

4. Student MUSIC

For the Student MUSIC category, record a video of a music performance that is 60 seconds or shorter and upload the video onto Instagram.

Country/region eligible for entry: Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia

Entry accepted: December 1, 2017, to January 5, 2018

5. Student FASHION

For the Student FASHION category, upload a photo of your outfit/fashion coordinates onto Instagram.

Country/region eligible for entry: Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia

Entry accepted: December 1, 2017, to January 5, 2018


For the Student SMARTPHONE category, upload any recent photos that show something cool and stylish or fun onto Instagram.

Country/region eligible for entry: Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore

Entry accepted: December 1, 2017, to January 5, 2018

7. Student HAIRSTYLE

For the Student HAIRSTYLE category, upload a before-and-after photo of a cool and stylish hairstyle onto Instagram.

Country/region eligible for entry: Cambodia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore

Entry accepted: December 1, 2017, to January 5, 2018

Special Note on Eligibility:

Student (of any nationality) belonging to a senior high school, technical college, junior college, university, or graduate school located in each eligible country or region

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bcゲーム ラッキースピン添付画像

12th bcゲーム ラッキースピンREATIVE AWARDS

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